Virtual BoyTM
Programmer's Manual

HTML Version: 0.1 – May 10, 2000

Compiled by: David Tucker,
HTML/Edited by: Amos Bieler,

Visit the Unofficial Nintendo Virtual Boy Homepage at:


Special thanks to: Bob VanderClay, Ben Hanor, Alberto Covarrubias and Amos Bieler for contributing info to this document.

Notes and Disclaimer: All data within this manual was collected from public domain sources or through reverse engineering. All information is provided as is, there is no warranty either real or implied with this information, use at your own risk.

Virtual Boy, Nintendo, and Game Boy are registered trademarks of Nintendo CO., LTD.

v810, and NEC are registered trademarks of NEC Corp.

All rights are held by their respective companies.

This document and all information within copyright © 1999-2000 David Tucker and Amos Bieler.

1. Introduction

The Virtual Boy (VB) is a portable, stereoscopic, videogame device developed by Gunpei Yokoi (1941-1997) for Nintendo. It features a red LED-based 384x224 four 'color' display for each eye and a ca. 20MHz NEC v810 RISC CPU.

Originally released in 1995 for around $200 in the US, the VB quickly fell under intense criticism from the video game industry for being over priced and unimpressive. Nintendo let the system flounder for only a year before pulling the plug on it, making it the only system released by Nintendo to date that was a major flop. When the dust had settled, there where 14 titles released in both the US and Japan, plus 8 titles released only in Japan.

How to Read This Document

To understand the internals and code that follows, you will need at least a rudimentary understanding of assembly language and the inner workings of a computer (memory, CPU, I/O, etc.)

In this document, I assume that you understand the difference between Decimal, Binary and Hex number systems, (Base-10, Base-2 and Base-16, respectively) and how to convert between them.

2. Requirements

Here is a list of VB related things you can do, and what you need to do them:

Play VB Games
VB, Games
Play VB Games on your PC
PC, VB Emulator for your system, Games, Back-up device for getting games into PC
Play homemade VB Games
VB, Games, programmable VB cartridge
Play homemade VB Games on your PC
PC, VB Emulator for your system, Games
Make VB Games
This document, PC, v810 targetted development software and EITHER a VB and programmable VB cartridge -OR- a PC and VB Emulator for your system
Make a Programmable VB Cartridge
Schematics (see above URL,) EPROM(s), EPROM programmer, soldering iron, solder etc.

3. Hardware Overview

The VB hardware consists of:

v810 RISC CPU:
>20MHz Clock Speed
Intel byte ordering (little endian)
5 Maskable Interrupts (Controller, Timer, Expansion Port, Com Port, Display Retrace)
64KB Program Scratch Memory
240KB Display Memory
Up To 16MB of Cartridge ROM
Up To 16MB of Cartridge RAM (saved RAM)
16MB expansion area (unused)
Two (2) Reflection Technologies P4 LED Displays:
384x224 resolution per display
Four shades of red from a palette of 32 shades
Refreshes at 50.2 Hz, period is 20ms, display redraw takes 5ms per screen
Bi-directional Link Port
Clock 20MHz/40-500KHz
Hardware Interrupt
16-bit Controller Port
Hardware/software read
Hardware Interrupt
16-bit timer
20ms/100ms clock resolution
Hardware Interrupt
16Bit Stereo Sound Processor
41.7KHz with 13-bit precision
6 channel PCM wave generator
Sprite engine
2048 simultaneous sprites
'parallax' and/or separate image stereoscopy

4. Hardware Detail

Video Overview

Graphics on the VB are defined using Chars, BGMaps, OBJs, and Worlds.

A Char is an individual 8x8 pixel, four color bitmap, and is the basic element upon which all VB graphics are based. Both BGMaps and OBJs are collections of Chars.

BGMaps are like checker boards made of 64x64 Chars (512x512 pixels.) Since one can 'move' the whole BGMap relative to it's World, but not move the individual Chars relative to each other, they are best at displaying large scenes like background graphics.

OBJ collections are like BGMaps, in that they are groups of individual Chars. However, the Chars in an OBJ collection - called, simply, OBJs - are separate and can be placed on pixel boundaries. There are a maximum of four such OBJ collections, each containing none, some or all of the 1024 (0x400) definable OBJs.

Worlds are like containers that hold BGMaps and OBJ collections. There are 32 Worlds, each containing either a BGMap-like collection of BGMaps (explained later) or one of the OBJ collections.

Worlds are drawn on top of one another so that non-transparent parts of closer Worlds cover up Worlds farther away. This helps create a 3D effect. The parallax values of each BGMap or OBJ, combined with that stored in each World, is used to generate a different image for each of the VB's two displays.

These different images, displayed to each of the user's eyes, are what produce the stereoscopic 3D effect. There are two ways to do this with the internal sprite engine:

The easiest (and, thus, more common) method requires only a single image for each Char, shared between the two displays. To achive a stereoscopic effect, it has a different horizontal position for each eye, using the parallax attribute. Positive values for parallax push the image further away from you and negative values bring it closer.
* Only one OBJ required per 'character'
* Takes up less room in ROM
* Easier on art department ;^)
* 'Cardboard cut-out' effect isn't as realistic

The other method involves creating a separate image for each display. This creates 3D objects, instead of 'cardboard cut-outs' that are simply on different 'planes.' Of course, when using this method, you can (and, most likely, will) use the parallax method, as well.
* Richer, more realistic graphics* Takes more room in ROM
* Basically halves available Chars, OBJs etc.
* Code is more complex

The discussion thus far has assumed the use of the VB's sprite engine for graphics. While these methods apply to almost any imaginable game, some games require direct access to the screen buffers. This is possible on the VB, but it involves some additional timing which isn't fully understood at this time. Stay tuned...

Video Detail


Chars have the following characteristics:

Each Char requires 16 bytes and is stored in a non-interlaced, uncompressed form:

Char RAM contains 2048 (0x800) Chars, arranged into four segments in the VB's address space:
Address Range Chars
0x0000 6000 - 0x0000 7FFF  0 -  511 (0x000 - 0x1FF)
0x0000 E000 - 0x0000 FFFF  512 - 1023 (0x200 - 0x3FF)
0x0001 6000 - 0x0001 7FFF  1024 - 1535 (0x400 - 0x5FF)
0x0001 E000 - 0x0001 FFFF  1536 - 2047 (0x600 - 0x7FF)

Char RAM is also mirrored into the range: 0x0007 8000 - 0x0007 FFFF, allowing linear access to all 2048 (0x800) Chars at once.

To access a given Char in Char RAM:

char[n] = n * 16 + 0x00078000


BGMaps are the static images on the VB Screen. BGMaps are composed of Cells, each cell containing a single Char. One BGMap is known as a segment. Each segment, a 64x64 (4096) Char (512x512 pixel) image, requires:

2 (bytes/cell) * 4096 (cells/segment) = 8192 bytes

And are laid out left to right, top to bottom:
BGMap: Arrangement of Cells within a Segment
0 0 1 2 ... 61 62 63
1 64 65 66 ... 125 126 127
62 4016 4017 4018 ... 4029 4030 4031
63 4032 4033 4034 ... 4045 4046 4047

A maximum of 14 such segments may be stored in BAM (BGMap Attribute Memory), which starts at 0x0002 0000. It's upper bound (0x0003 C000 maximum) is variable, and is shared with the PARAM_TABLE, based on the number of active segments.
BGMap: Contents of the BGMap data structure

Palette # for this cell, using VIP register GPLT#
Horizontal Flip
Vertical Flip
Char # to display from Char RAM


OBJs are used to represent small 'movable' objects, such as a game's protagonist.

OBJs are stored in OAM (OBJ Attribute Memory) which occupies the 8192 (0x02000) bytes from 0x0003 E000 to 0x0003 FFFF. Since each OBJ uses four HWords, (8 bytes) there is a total of 1024 (0x400) possible OBJs.

There are four offset registers in the VIP region (SPT0-SPT3) that break up OAM into four collections. A World may contain only one of these four OBJ collections.

When the graphics engine needs to draw a collection of OBJs, the display renderer starts at an SPT pointer (SPT3 is first) and counts backwards, drawing each OBJ where it goes. When it reaches the next lower SPT pointer, (actually, right before it...) it stops drawing.

An example:

    SPT3 = 0x300
    SPT2 = 0x200

    The first World containing an OBJ collection is encountered.

    OBJs 0x300 to 0x201 are displayed in that order:

        Address of first OBJ:
            OBJ Base Address (0x0003 E000) + SPT3 (0x300) = 0x0003 E300

        Start here and count back to...
            OBJ Base Address (0x0003 E000) + SPT2 (0x200) = 0x0003 E200

        ...drawing objects as we go.

OBJs differ from BGMaps in many ways:

This is great if you want to place a few Chars randomly about the screen, i.e. making bubbles or stars.

OBJ Attributes
JX: -7 (-0x007) to 383 (0x17F)
JLONJRONJP: -256 (-0x100) to 255 (0x0FF)
JY: -7 (-0x007) to 223 (0x0DF)
JPLTHFLPVFLP0JCA: 0 (0x000) to 2047 (0x7FF)

X coordinate of OBJ, relative to screen. Can be negative to allow an OBJ to 'sneak' onto the screen smoothly.
Y coordinate of OBJ, relative to screen. Can be negative to allow an OBJ to 'sneak' onto the screen smoothly.
Parallax, True X coordinates (TX) computed by:

TXL = JX - JP, and TXR = JX + JP

OBJ visible on the left screen?
OBJ visible on the right screen?
Palette # for this OBJ, using VIP register JPLT#
Horizontal Flip
Vertical Flip
Char # to display from Char RAM


Worlds are collections of OBJs and BGMaps that are layered and clipped to fit each screen (384x224).

There are a total of 32 Worlds, but not all 32 Worlds need be used.

Worlds are drawn back to front, starting at 31 and ending with 0. Only Worlds with at least one visible bit set (LON || RON == 1) are drawn. If, however, a World is marked as the END World, it and all remaining Worlds are skipped.

As the VB renders the left and right screens, parallax is factored in, by subtracting GP from GX for the left screen, and adding GP to GX for the right screen. Any special effects, like sprite scaling, and rotation, are also rendered at this time.

32 Worlds x 16 HWords/World = 1024 (0x400) bytes.

World RAM is at 0x0003 D800 - 0x0003 DBFF
World: Definition of the World data structure
GX (0x000 - 0x17F)
GP (-0x100 - 0x0FF)
GY (0x000 - 0x0DF)
MX (0x000 - 0xFFF)
MP (-0x100 - 0x0FF)
MY (0x000 - 0xFFF)
W (0x000 - 0xFFF)
H (0x000 - 0xFFF)
PARAM_BASE (0x0000 - 0xEBF0) *(see text)
World visible on the left screen?
World visible on the right screen?
Type of World: 00 - BGMap, 01 - HBias BGMap, 10 - Affine, 11 - OBJ Collection.
This World's BGMaps are tiled left to right and top to bottom, 2SCX wide and 2SCY high. ie. 00 = 1 BGMap, 01 = 2, 10 = 4, 11 = 8.

A World can have a maximum of 8 BGMaps, so some of these combinations are invalid:

This and any remaining Worlds should not be drawn.
The number of the first BGMap to display. (see SCX, SCY for total # of BGMaps.)
Screen X start position.
Screen Y start position.
Parallax offset for screen X position, true X coordinates (TX) are computed by: TXL = GX - GP and TXR = GX + GP.
Buffer X start position.
Buffer Y start position.
Parallax offset for Buffer X position, actually shifts the start address to be cut out, in the X direction, to make a "Window" effect. Each eye sees a touch more on the edges than the other. (Make a square with your fingers and look through it with each eye in turn to see this better.)
Width to cut out from the buffer and paste on the screen.
Height to cut out from the buffer and paste on the screen. Must be a minimum of 8 pixels high, but can be increased in increments of 1 pixel [verify this].
This is the base address of the PARAM_TABLE. It's used in H-Bias and Affine BGMaps for shifting/scaling. The true address of the PARAM_TABLE is found by the following equation:

PARAM_BASET = (PARAM_BASE && 0xFFF0) * 2 + 0x00020000.

Used in Affine BGMaps for rotation. (more info needed)

BGM Types

Normal: Cut an image from the BGMap(s) located at (MX - MP, MY) for the left eye and (MX + MP, MY) for the right eye, that are each W wide and H high. Paste these images at (GX - GP, GY) on the left screen and (GX + GP, GY) on the right screen.

The first BGMap is computed by taking the offset to BGMap memory (0x0002 0000) and adding BGMAP_BASE * 0x2000 (the size of one BGMap). Starting with this first BGMap and tile 2SCX BGMaps wide and 2SCY BGMaps high, using no more than eight BGMaps.

H-bias: This form is used for 'wavy' effects. Each row on the screen can be shifted by a factor left or right, and this shifting is separate for the left and right displays.

PARAM_BASE points to the base offset of the H-Bias parameter table. This table has a column for each display, each containing one HWord (16-bit) for each line to be displayed. For the whole screen, (384x224 pixels) the table would be...

	16 (bits/HWord) x 224 (rows/screen) x 2 (screens) =
	7168 bits / 8 (bits/byte) = 896 bytes size.

When displaying this World, follow the procedures above to generate the data. But, when copying to the display buffer, modify the MX value by adding the current H-Bias table entry (-511 to 512) to it. Remember to use the appropriate value (H-biasL, or H-biasR) depending on the screen being rendered. So, to find the true MX value for each line of each screen, use:

	MXL = MX - MP + H-biasL
	MXR = MX + MP + H-biasR

Affine: This is used to display zooming and rotation effects. MX, MY, and MP are ignored in this mode, cut from the BGMap at (0, 0) [I think]. GX, GY, GP, X, and Y are all used just like the Normal mode. [MUCH more info needed!]

OBJ: Displays one of the four OBJ collections. OBJ collections are discussed above. OBJ groups ignore MX and MY, and possibly GX and GY, as well. The position of each OBJ in a collection is relative to screen coordinates (0, 0).


The registers BRTA, BRTB, and BRTC are the three brightness registers. Each register holds an integer from 0 to 80 that defines the hardware brightness level for that color entry. BRTA and BRTB directly define their respective brightnesses. However, the true brightness of a palette color pointing to BRTC is:



To allow for special palette tricks, such as the simulation of a lightning flash, the pixels of a char, rather than specifying a brightness directly, point to a 'color' in a 'palette.' A palette is an 8-bit number, composed of four 2-bit colors. The two least significant bits of a palette constitute color 0, bits 2 and 3 are color 1 etc.

There are four possible palettes for OBJs (JPLT0-JPLT4) and another four for BGMaps (GPLT0-GPLT4.)


The BKCOL register tells the system what color to clear the background to, before drawing the screen. The following values may be used:

	0	Black


[On by default? FRMCYC High Byte?]

Since the VB uses scanning mirrors to generate the display, the dots aren't fixed in width. Instead, they vary in width based on their intensity. To help smooth out the dots and limit the gap between, the VB has a 'repeat' register [where?] that allows a given dot to turn on multiple times within a given dot period. Repeat takes the literal brightness (BRTA, BRTB and BRTC) of a given dot and repeats it the specified number of times, thus intensifying the dot by that number.

It is possible to change the repeat register once every display cycle, and also once every four columns of the display. By changing every four columns, you can give the illusion of having more colors active at a time.

For an example of using Repeat, imagine that you were setting up the BRTA register to an intensity of 40 (with Repeat set to the default 0). If you wanted to smooth out the appearance of the dot, you could set the Repeat value to three (repeat four times), and the BRTA register to 10, to achieve a smoother dot with an equivalent intensity.

Column Table

lb. ColTblData
db. 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe
db. 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe
db. 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe
db. 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe
db. 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe
db. 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe
db. 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe
db. 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xe0, 0xbc
db. 0xa6, 0x96, 0x8a, 0x82, 0x7a, 0x74, 0x6e, 0x6a
db. 0x66, 0x62, 0x60, 0x5c, 0x5a, 0x58, 0x56, 0x54
db. 0x52, 0x50, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x4c, 0x4c, 0x4a, 0x4a
db. 0x48, 0x48, 0x46, 0x46, 0x46, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44
db. 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40
db. 0x3e, 0x3e, 0x3e, 0x3e, 0x3e, 0x3e, 0x3e, 0x3c
db. 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c
db. 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c

lb. LoadColTblStart				;Write 1st 1/2 of ColTbl
	movhi		0x0004, $0, $3		;0x0003DC00 => $3
	movea		0xDC00, $3, $3		;Start of column table
	movhi		0x0004, $0, $4		;0x0003DCFF => $3
	movea		0xDCFF, $4, $4		;End of column table
	.mov32		ColTblData, $6		;Column Table data
lb. CTBL_Loop1
	ld.b		0x00[$6], $5		;Data to write
	shl		0x18, $5		;zero high bits
	shr		0x18, $5
	st.h		$5, 0x0000[$3]		;Column Table 1
	st.h		$5, 0x0200[$3]		;Column Table 2
	add		0x02, $3
	add		0x01, $6
	cmp		$4,$3
	bge		0x0C
	.jump		CTBL_Loop1
						;Write 2nd 1/2 of ColTbl
	movhi		0x0004, $0, $3		;0x0003DDC00 => $3
	movea		0xDD00, $3, $3		;Start of column table
	movhi		0x0004, $0, $4		;0x0003DDCFF => $3
	movea		0xDDFF, $4, $4		;End of column table
	.mov32		ColTblData, $6		;Column Table data
	addi		0x7F,$6,$6
lb. CTBL_Loop2
	ld.b		0x00[$6], $5		;Data to write
	shl		0x18, $5
	shr		0x18, $5
	st.h		$5, 0x0000[$3]		;Column Table 1
	st.h		$5, 0x0200[$3]		;Column Table 2
	add		0x02, $3
	add		-1, $6			;subtract 1
	cmp		$4,$3
	bge		0x0C
	.jump 		CTBL_Loop2		


[Fill in later]
[FRMCYC Low Byte]

Physical Display

[Fill in later]

Direct Screen Buffer Access

[Fill in later]



The procedure for a hardware Keypad read is:

  1. Write 0x84 (10000100) to the Keypad Control Reg (0x0200 0028) to start the read cycle.
  2. Read the Keypad Control Reg (0x0200 0028) until the status bit (0x02) is zero.
  3. Store the Keypad HighByte (0x0200 0014) and Keypad LowByte (0x0200 0010).
  4. Mask both with 0xFF to clear any sign extensions, and put them together.
  5. The 16 bits correspond to the 14 buttons on the controller, one bit that is always high and the status of the batteries.
;HCREG offset defines for readability
df. HCREGR_KLB	0x00000010
df. HCREGR_KHB	0x00000014
df. HCREGR_KCR	0x00000028

; Read Keypad, and store the 16-bit result in Register $3
					;Pointer to HCREG base:
movhi		0x0200, $0, $4		;$4 <= 0x02000000
movea		0x0080, $0, $2		;0x00000080 => $2
st.b		$2, HCREGR_KCR[$4]	;Tell Controller to reset
add		0x04, $2		;0x00000084 => $2
st.b		$2, HCREGR_KCR[$4]	;Tell Controller to read
ld.b		HCREGR_KCR[$4], $2	;Read status
andi		0x0002, $2, $2
bne		-8			;Keep reading until Zero
ld.b		HCREGR_KHB[$4], $2	;Read Upper Byte
shl		0x18, $2		;remove sign bit
shr		0x10, $2		;and shift left 8 bits
ld.b		HCREGR_KLB[$4], $3	;Read Lower Byte
shl		0x18, $3		;remove sign bit
shr		0x18, $3
or		$2, $3			;put them together in $3

Button Data
rddrdlselstrldulddldlldrrdrrdulbbrbb b  a  1 bat

Right DPad, where x is Up, Down, Left, Right
Left DPad, where x is Up, Down, Left, Right
lbb, rbb
Left/Right index-finger triggers
Battery low, may flicker so test multiple times.

Link Port

(Fill in later)


(Fill in later)


(Fill in later)


There are 6 sound sources in the VB, each source can be individually played on the left or right speaker, or both. Sounds 1-4 are standard voluntary wave pattern sounds, where the pattern generated for each sound is user definable in a 32x6-bit wave table. Sound 5 is a Sweep/Modulation sound source with separate wave tables for both. And sound 6 is a white noise source. Sound is sampled at 41.7Khz with a 13bit precision. Little is known at this time about the details.


(Fill in later)


(Fill in later)

5. Memory Maps

Condensed Memory Map

The Virtual Boy uses 128 Mbytes of the 32bit CPU's 4 GB addressable area. A26 ~ A24 are decoded and the 128Mbyte area is divided into 8 16-Mbyte areas. So internally all memory addresses are masked with 0x07FF FFFF. Only the significant bits of each memory area are decoded, so memory 'mirrors' itself within these regions.
VIP Area: control registers, VRAM, DRAM0x00000000 - 0x0007FFFF
IMAGE0x00080000 - 0x00FFFFFF
Sound Area: control registers, data0x01000000 - 0x01FFFFFF
Hardware Control Area: Wait States, Key Pad, Link Port, Timer0x02000000 - 0x020000xx
IMAGE0x020000xx - 0x02FFFFFF
UNUSED0x03000000 - 0x03FFFFFF
Game Pak Expansion Area: SuperF/X chips 'n' stuff0x04000000 - 0x04FFFFFF
NVC WRAM AREA: 64Kbytes0x05000000 - 0x0500FFFF
IMAGE0x05010000 - 0x05FFFFFF
Game Pak RAM area: 16Mbytes max0x06000000 - 0x06FFFFFF
Game Pak ROM area: 16Mbytes max0x07000000 - 0x07FFFFFF

Detailed Memory Map

Located in this separate file.

ROM 'Header' Info

The game header info, actually at the end of the ROM, is mapped down from 0x07FF FFFF. Since the ROM replicates itself from 0x0700 0000 to 0x07FF xxxx, and we mask off the higher address lines, 0x07FF FFFF is always at the end of the ROM, no matter the size.
ROM Info: Located at end of ROM
0x07FF FDE0 - 0x07FF FDF3 Game Title
0x07FF FDF4 - 0x07FF FDF8 Reserved
0x07FF FDF9 - 0x07FF FDFA Manufacturer
0x07FF FDFB - 0x07FF FDFE Game ID
0x07FF FDFF ROM Version (1.x)

Interrupt Vectors

0xFFFF FE00 - 0xFFFF FE0F   INTKEY	Controller Interrupt
0xFFFF FE10 - 0xFFFF FE1F   INTTIM	Timer Interrupt
0xFFFF FE20 - 0xFFFF FE2F   INTCRO	Expansion Port Interrupt
0xFFFF FE30 - 0xFFFF FE3F   INTCOM	Link Port Interrupt
0xFFFF FE40 - 0xFFFF FE4F   INTVPU	Video Retrace Interrupt
0xFFFF FFF0 - 0xFFFF FFFF   RSTVCT	Reset Vector; Execution begins here

6. Connectors


To read data from the controller by hand drive Reset (data latch) high, then the first bit from the controller will be ready to read before the first tick of the clock. From there drive the clock high and read a bit, repeat an additional 15 times, and end with the clock high. Everything is latched on the rising edge, on the data latch line or the clock. Also the bits are inverted a High value means no button was pushed. Bit1 should always be low (a logical 1) and Bit0 is the battery status bit, it should be ignored. The controller is powered from pin 2 even though pin6 is the power from the batteries. It isn't necessary to switch the controller on to get it to work.


Controller Connector - looking into plug on end of cable.

An adapter can be built that allows the use of the VB's controller on a PC. Five of it's wires must be attached to the PC's parallel port. Once the adapter is made, you can use a program like SNESKey ( to read the controller, or you can read it by hand using the above info.

Link Port

The Link Port is a syncronous serial port. There is a 'clock' line that all transmissions are synchronized on. This clock is, by default, driven at 50KHz (20 µs period), and each data bit is sent on a rising edge. Data is transmitted/received 8 bits at a time starting with the MSB. At the default clock rate it takes 160 µs to complete a transmission. There is a generic control line that can be used to control the flow of communication. Also it appears there is a Synch In/Out pair that helps the VB to synch the send and receive data to the clock. There is a clock pull with a 20 ms period driven out of the Synch Out line at power up of the VB. The full pinout of the Link Port isn't known at this time, here is the pin out as it stands now.
Link Port: Looking into connector on VB
Link Cable: Still in testing stages

Cartridge: Pinouts and General Layout

3/WE/WE (27)?4
5? (/CS1) 206
7 CS2 (26)+5VDC+5VDC8
11A18 (2) ?12
13A17 (3) A20 (44) 14
15A7 (4)A7 (3)A19 (43) 16
17A6 (5)A6 (4)A8 (42)A8 (25)18
19A5 (6)A5 (5)A9 (41)A9 (24)20
21A4 (7)A4 (6)A10 (40)A10 (21)22
23A3 (8)A3 (7)A11 (39)A11 (23)24
25A2 (9)A2 (8)A12 (38)A12 (2)26
27A1 (10)A1 (9)A13 (37) 28
29A0 (11)A0 (10)A14 (36) 30
31/CE (12) A15 (35) 32
33GNDA16 (34) 34
35/OE (14)/OE (22)/BYTE (33)+5VDC36
37D0 (15)D0 (11)D15 (31) 38
39D8 (16) D7 (30)D7 (19)40
41D1 (17)D1 (12)D14 (29) 42
43D9 (18) D6 (28)D6 (18)44
45D2 (19)D2 (13)D13 (27) 46
47D10 (20) D5 (26)D5 (17)48
49D3 (21)D3 (15)D12 (25) 50
51D11 (22) D4 (24)D4 (16)52
55(Pin 55-57)(Pin 56-58)56
57(Pin 55-57)(Pin 56-58)58

/RDY, /RST and /WE
Ready, Reset and Write Enable, respectively.
Extra pins which may be added for programming a Flash ROM.
Wire /RST to +5VDC, /WE to pin 3, and /RDY to pin 9 (optional)
Toshiba TC53x200 or equivalent mask ROM. Can be replaced with a 27Cx00 EPROM, or 29Wx00 flash ROM, where x is 2, 4, 8, or 16.
1	N/C
44	N/C (A20 on 32MBit ROM)
23	+5VDC
33	/BYTE	(Held high; Chip should be in Word mode)
13, 32	GND
Cypress CY6264 or equivalent SRAM.
1	N/C
14	GND
28	+5VDC
It is not known what pins 4, 5, 9, 10, & 12 on the edge connector do at this time.

7. CPU


The Virtual Boy is based on NEC's v810 CPU core with the following added features:

The CPU core may have additional floating point opcodes as well.

The v810 CPU is based on a 32-bit RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) architecture using a combination of 16-bit and 32-bit instructions to reduce the compilation size. It has 32 general-purpose registers (r0-r31), a Program Counter (PC), and 10 system registers. All registers are 32-bits wide, and all general-purpose registers can be used in any register operation as either data and/or address register. Register 0 (r0) is the 'zero' register, its contents are always zero.

General Purpose Register Summary
Register Name Description
r0 ZREG Zero register; Always holds zero
r1 - r25 N/A General purpose
r26 BSDSTOFF BitString destination bit offset
r27 BSSRCOFF BitString source bit offset
r28 BSLEN BitString length register
r29 BSDSTADD BitString destination address register
r30 BSSRCADD BitString source address register
r31 LNKPTR Stores the return address of a JAL instruction

System Register Summary
s0EIPCSaves the PC and PSW during an exception/interrupt
s2FEPCSaves the PC and PSW during an NMI/duplex exception
s4ECRUpper 16-bits (FECC) holds the exception code for a NMI/duplex exception, lower 16-bits (EICC) holds the code for exception/ interrupt
s5PSWProgram Status Word; Flags indicating status of the CPU
s6PIRIdentifies the CPU type number
s7TCWTask control word; Controls floating-point operations
s24CCWCache control word; Controls the on-chip instruction cache
s25ATRAddress trap register; When the address in this register matches the PC value execution jumps to a predefined address.

The PSW (Program Status Word) is a set of flags that indicates the status of the CPU and the result of certain instruction executions. In particular the flags CY, OV, S, and Z are used extensively by the conditional branch instructions.
31...20RFUUnused fixed at 0
19...16IntLevelMaskable interrupt level (0-15)
15NPNMI pending, non maskable interrupt is being handled
14EPException pending, exception, trap or interrupt is being handled
13RFUUnused fixed to 0
12IDInterrupt disabled, 1: disable, 0: enable
11DPDebug pending, 1: fatal exception is being handled, 0: not
10SATSaturate flag, 1: overflow during sat arithmetic, 0: not (v830?)
9...4RFUUnused fixed to 0
1SSign, result is negative
0ZZero, result is zero

The v810 uses a little endian addressing, that is to say the least significant byte comes first in a multi byte sequence. The standard data types include a Byte (8-bits), HWord (16-bits), and a Word (32-bits) in both signed and unsigned form. Words must be aligned on a word boundary, with the lower 2 bits masked to zero. And HWords must be aligned on a HWord boundary, with the least significant bit masked to 0. The v810 also supports BitString and 32-bit floating-point data types.

The floating-point data type conforms to the 32-bit IEEE single format.

IEEE 32-bit floating-point Format:
Sexp (8)mantissa (23)

BitStrings are variable length strings of bits ranging from 0 (0x00000000) to 4,294,967,295 (0xFFFFFFFF) bits long. To define a BitString you must define three parameters:

  1. Starting address of the string, aligned on a Word boundary (last 2 bits are 0)
  2. Offset of first bit (0 to 31)
  3. Length of the string in bits (0 to 2^32 - 1)

When using BitString instructions load the appropriate data as defined above into the general purpose registers r26-r30 to define the source and destination strings, before calling a BitString opcode.

The v810 supports a full 32-bit addressing space (4-gigabytes). The handling of I/O is flexible, supporting both 32-bit memory mapped I/O and a full 32-bit port mapped I/O, however the VB only utilizes the memory mapped I/O. The external data buss supports both a 32-bit data mode and a 16-bit mode, but the VB only utilizes the 16-bit mode.

Instruction Summary

Located in this separate file.

Instruction Details

[Fill in later]


[need better description of NMI, Maskable Interrupt and Exception handling]

Interrupts are events that interrupt the execution of a program. Interrupts are divided into maskable interrupts and non-maskable interrupts (NMI) i.e. reset.

Exceptions are events that interrupt the execution of a program that are generated by the program execution. For example, dividing a number by zero would generate a 'Zero Division' exception.

Interrupts and exceptions are nearly identical, except for the fact that interrupts take precedence over exceptions.

The v810 handles interrupts and exceptions through an interrupt table. When an interrupt/exception is generated, the current PC and PSW registers are saved in the EIPC/EIPSW registers. When an NMI or Duplex exception is generated, the PC and PSW are stored in the FEPC/FEPSW registers. Next, the exception cause register (ECR) is filled in with the interrupt/exception number, the PSW Int Level is incremented, the PSW EP and ID bits are set to 1 and the PC is changed to point to the vector stored in the interrupt table.

In order for a maskable interrupt to occur, the NP, EP and ID bits of the PSW must be zero. Additionally, the interrupt must have an id greater than or equal to the current Interrupt Level.

Interrupt/Exception Table
Interrupt/Exception nameClassCodeHandled ByRestore PC
Duplexed Exception
Address trap
Trap instruction (0x1n)
Trap instruction (0x0n)
Invalid OpCode
Divide by Zero
FIV (float invalid op)
FDZ (float zero divide)
FOV (float overflow)
FUD (float underflow)
FPR (float degradation)
FRO (float reserved op)
INT level n (n = 0 to 15)
next PC
current PC
current PC
next PC
next PC
current PC
current PC
current PC
current PC
current PC
current PC
current PC
current PC
next PC

Exception code of first exception is stored in the lower 16-bits of ECR and the second is stored in the upper 16-bits.
If an instruction is aborted by an interrupt (DIV/DIVU, floating-point instruction, BitString instruction) the restore PC = current PC.
Bold italics
The floating-point underflow and floating-point precision degradation exceptions do not occur in the v810.

The v810 isn't set up to handle more than one interrupt at a time, but it can handle up to 2 exceptions. In order to support multiple interrupts at a time, your interrupt handling code must: [verify]

  1. disable all further interrupts by setting the ID bit of the PSW to 1
  2. save the EIPC and EIPSW registers
  3. clear the EP bit from the PSW
  4. finally re-enable interrupts by setting the ID bit to 0 in the PSW

[describe returning from an interrupt/exception]


Power on reset causes the system registers to initialize to the following:
PCProgram Counter0xFFFFFFF0
EIPCStatus saving register for interruptUndefined
FEPCStatus saving register for NMIUndefined
FECCInterrupt cause register0x0000
PSWProgram status word0x00008000
r0Zero RegisterFixed to 0x00000000
r1 to r31Gen. Purp. Reg.Undefined

After initialization, program execution jumps to the reset vector at 0xFFFFFFF0 and begins execution.

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